Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reading the Letters to the Editor

Some people turn to the comics, or the sports section of the newspaper first thing. Betty turns to the crossword puzzle. I have this odd fascination with the Letters to the Editor. In some ways I think this part of a newspaper represents the orginal "blog site." Sure there are plenty of things written there with which I strongly disagree. That's why I miss the old afternoon newspapers I grew up with as a child. It seemed more fitting if reading after 5:00 PM to read with some Jack Daniels over ice rather than a second cup of coffee that only stimulates my anger with caffiene. These letters DO make me think, however, and challenge my assumptions. They also confront my viewpoints instead of reinforcing my tightly held beliefs. 

I read these comments from people who are concerned enough to express themselves in print as a reminder of community diversity- which I think is a good thing- and the gift of free speech. I know they represent in some ways the wide swath of ideas and some basic truths that make a lot of sense. The words of the writers help me get a feel for the world around me and the people  who are my neighbors.

So I welcome you to this internet blog site as a forum for experiencing that same kind of sharing. I hope you will find it a way to SPEAK UP!

Phil Leftwich

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