Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Storms of Life

Storms of Life

Solemn suddenness scattered

as stones and sticks of brokenness

by storms that twist in knots

the fragile fabric

of life’s securities;

the safety of sheltering arms;

the walls of protective safety; to

fragments within moments

of terrifying destruction. . . by

winds that carry away

like brittle leaves

the hopes and dreams

of places and persons held dear-

gone into the arms of God

who only knows they live.

That life matters not for the surviving

and what remains of struggles

to sustain selves in a

world of shatteredness. . .

un-secured by ones held sacred.

Love bent and broken

by the sullen winds that shake

and break with violence. . . binding

the will to survive with cords of

hopeless desperation.

So the remaining walk stunned

among the debris of what remains

in piles of what was

and will be no more.

Storms prevail where no will

can resist such force,

but to protest in sadness

and with fists shaken against the

glowering sky the

damning winds that destroy

and demonize with dogged wrath

the never to be again.

Phil Leftwich

April 18, 2011

(Posted in memory of those who were lost, or who lost much of their lives as they have known them during the tornadoes that swept across the Southeast.)


  1. Really like the first five line of this. I think this piece will resonate with those that are coming up on the one year anniversary of the Nashville flooding except it wasn't the wind that interrupted their lives but the water. I would like to see you do a post about your encounter with Mohammed Ali - always liked that story.

  2. I didn't know you were a poet Phil. This is beautiful. Cheers and God bless, Ed
